Ormus MicroFlora Stimulant and Plants
The Ormus is to be used at the rate of one to two tablespoons per gallon of
water at the beginning of the vegetative state and then again just as the plant
flowering begins.

Ormus Minerals Microflora
Ormus Minerals from charged Dead Sea Salt, Ocean Water and Ormus Rich
08 ounces |
16 ounces |
$45.00 |
32 ounces

64 ounces |
$160.00 |
128 ounces
Details |
Plant Ormus Products
Ormus Minerals Plant Microflora Stimulant
Time to maturity is shortened slightly while yields, at a minimum, are 50%
greater... Some growers even get yields 2 to 3 times greater!
The plants are far more resistant to insects, disease, mold, fungus, and
variations in light intensity... Because the plants are so vibrant it even buys
the grower some tolerance when grown with hydroponic systems if there happens to be some kind of mechanical failure
that isn't corrected right away.
Because the ORMEs are trans-dimensional in nature, young plants that begin as clones have demonstrated genetic
changes enhancing the plants best attributes.
This is fascinating stuff. When soaking seeds in a 1/2% Ormus solution seed
eruption nears 100% and vigorous root growth is quickly seen.
For virtually every crop, especially crops that command a high dollar per pound
at market time, there truly is no greater return on investment that you can make
right now than the addition of monatomics found in Ormus Minerals Ormus to your grow arsenal.
This is a partial list of the elements, in their monatomic or diatomic state,
extracted from our Rich Ormus Salts froma round the world and Dead Sea salt,
that are found in Ormus Minerals Ormus: Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Ruthenium,
Rhodium, Iridium, Palladium, Silver, Osmium, Platinum and Gold.
The ruthenium ORME is particularly good at relaxing the dual-stranded DNA and then recombining the genetics of the
plant so it is able to evolve into a
healthier more vibrant and productive plant.
The evolution continues as these seeds are then harvested and planted the
following season.
These elements are commonly referred to as Sea-11 or C-11.
Each of these 11 elements has a critical role in growing the best plant
Your bottle of Ormus is shipped in a EMF protection and should be kept in this
when not being used. The ORMEs are very sensitive to light and to
electromagnetic fields. Store in a dark location. Great care should be taken to
not 'drive-off' the ORMEs with ambient magnetic fields and EMF energies.
We look forward to working with you to begin growing the biggest and healthiest crops you've ever had using this
ancient vibrational technology!
Directions For Use of Ormus Minerals Ormus The concentrated Ormus product must be diluted to no
more than 1% strength before application. Normal or slightly reduced application rates of nitrogen, potassium and
phosphorus are recommended for crops that have received an Ormus treatment.
Ormus is sensitive to ultraviolet light. Avoid setting the product in direct
sunlight or next to electrical devices which may reduce its potency Safely
handle Ormus Minerals Ormus as you would any agricultural fertilizer.
Application together with herbicides is prohibited. Application of diluted Ormus
to moist soil followed by irrigation gives the best results. The product should
not be applied to dry soil unless heavily diluted.
Dilution: Always dilute the Ormus with water prior to use. Use at a
concentration at or less than 1% strength. One gallon of Ormus added to 128
gallons of water equals a 1% solution. About 2 tablespoons (one ounce) per
gallon equals a ~0.9% solution.
There is latitude either side of this value. Three tablespoons/1.5 ounces on
the high side and one teaspoon/gallon on the low end works in nearly all
Foliar Spray: Ormus Minerals Ormus diluted to a 0.5% solution, One
half ounce/gallon of water, can be used as a foliar spray.
A minimum of 3 applications per season applied at 2 to 3 week intervals are
Ormus used at this rate works well to suppress both powdery and downy mildews.
Garden Produce: Apply 1 to 2.5 gallons of Ormus concentrate per acre.
Trees and Orchards: Medium size trees (size 3-6 feet): use 3 oz Ormus per tree not to exceed 5
gallons per acre. Large trees (size 6-12+ feet): use 5 oz Ormus per tree not to exceed 6 gallons per acre.
Field and Row Crops: Apply 1 to 2 gallons of Ormus concentrate per acre.
Two important basics come together to create a great Ormus Harvest. This mixture of Rich Ormus Salts from around
the world and a potent salt from the Dead Sea
No more than a few drops a day in the drinking water for household pets.
For livestock, use one ounce in 5 gallons of drinking water.
An 8 oz bottle provides you with 16 gallons of Ormus water at the use rate of 1
tablespoon per gallon as the 32 ounce bottle will provide 64 gallons of Ormus
water. If in an intensive grow operation, use twice to three times per crop.
Once at the beginning of the vegetative state, then just as flowering stage
begins and then again about half-way through the fruiting season.
The monatomics focus the plant's or animal's ability to draw in Ch'i at the
atomic level resulting in more vegetation, bigger fruit and greater resistance
to environmental stress. So see just how BIG your harvest can be with the
addition of ORMUS to your growing arsenal!
quoted below
From all of these observations we are quite confident of the following results:
Plant Benefits
Cellular respiration is increased
Phototropism is increased
Increases photosynthesis
Increases carbohydrate content of sap
Increases soil micro flora
Increases nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil
Increases phosphorous leaching fungi
Improves soil tilth and aeration
More resistant to insects and disease
Has saved diseased orchards
Less need for pesticides
More drought tolerant
More transplant tolerant
Fruit is larger and better tasting
Produce lasts longer on the shelf
Mineral and vitamin content increased
Plants produce sooner
Crop yields are increased
Application is easy
Application is inexpensive
More resistant to freezing