Ormus Minerals Effective Microbes Plant Microflora Dilution Ratios for
Here is some of the answers you were requesting for water and aquariums.
Ormus Minerals Effective Microbes Plant Microflora Dilution Ratios for Ponds and water purification.
Tbsp 1 Tbsp .5 oz
1 tbsp/ 1/2 oz 40 gallons
2 1
80 gallons
4 2 oz
160 gallons
8 4 oz
320 gallons
16 8 oz
640 gallons
32 16 oz 1280 gallons
64 32 oz 2560 gallons
128 64 oz 5120 gallons
256 128 oz 10240 gallons

Ormus Minerals Effective Microbes Plant
Ormus EM Probiotics grown on a medium of Organic Black Strap
Molassas, Liquid Ormus Minerals, Liquid Fulvic Acits, Barley Malt Syrup, Azomite, Sea Salt,
Himalayan Crystal Salt
32 ounces

64 ounces
Details |
128 ounces
Details |
Aquariums and Fish Ponds Treatment
Water quality management is crucial for keeping aquariums healthy and clean. In that fish droppings and residual
foods also pollute the water, it is important
to mix the Ormus Minerals Effective Microbes Plant Microflora in the water at a ratio of 1:1000 every month to help
remediate the water.
This would be ¾ of a teaspoon per gallon of water or 1 ounce for a ten gallon fish tank. It is recommended that
this dosage be applied in weekly increments, rather than all at once.
When changing the water, it may be best to change approximately half of the water on a regular basis. If your
tap water is chlorinated, let it set overnight in a
large container in order to allow the chlorine to offgas.
Before adding the replacement water, be sure to include the Ormus Minerals Plant Microflora Stimulant at the
1:1000 ratio.
Water Gardens and Pond Treatments
with EM Ponds, lagoons: 1:10,000 pond water
Apply once per month by spraying over pond surface or introducing at various
central spots and peripheral spots around pond edge.
1: 10,000
3/4 tsp 10 Gallons
1 Tbsp 40 Gallons
Healthy water gardens and small ponds offer a valued aesthetic attraction to the home or business. These pools,
however, develop their own ecosystems that can easily go out of balance. If the water is left stagnant for too
long, mosquitoes will start to inhabit the area, algae begins to form in the water, and odors can start to
Adding in a feature that circulates the water can cut down on these problems. Depending on the water quality,
however, algae and calcium deposits may still form.
Using Ormus Minerals Effective Microbes Plant Microflora Microbial Inoculant on a regular basis will help to
keep enough beneficial microbes in the system to keep nutrient levels low enough to prevent the growth of
Ormus Minerals Plant Microflora Stimulant also has the ability to neutralize salts—which can act as a natural
chlorinator—and prevent them from crystallizing on pool surfaces.
The monthly application ratio is 1:10,000, which is 1 part Ormus Minerals Plant Microflora Stimulant for
every 10,000 parts of water. It is recommended that this dosage be applied in weekly increments, rather than all at
Allow several weeks for the materials to do their work. Some sludge from the bottom will likely surface creating
an unsightly scum. Leave it and let nature do its bioremediation – as it will disappear shortly.
If you have a larger pond or lake in your area that is in very poor condition
and you would like to treat it with Ormus Minerals Effective Microbes Plant Microflora, please feel free to
contact OrmusMinerals.com for assistance.
These programs are often done for lakes that have a surface area of several acres that are fed by outside
sources (besides rainwater), or have been contaminated by chemicals.
For a water garden or small pond, the above application rates will work
Water Purification
Microorganisms have much to do with the process of water purification in nature.
Even in the latest water purification technology such as the activated sludge
process, microorganisms play a major role.
Self-purification power of water works well under the indigenous ecosystems
functioning properly with a rich aquatic ecosystem pyramid.
In polluted water with sludge accumulating at the bottom and foul odors, self-purification power decrease as the
result of the dominance by putrefactive microorganisms.
This leads to decrease of nutrition necessary for ecosystems to function and keep their purification.
Applied to polluted and putrefactive water, EM holds a dominant position in the
layer of microorganisms and help ecosystems revive and reduce sludge and foul odors. The purpose of EM application
is not to create apparently-clear water by chemical means but to revive the native function of aquatic
In this sense, Depending on the overload of drainage and the volume of water, the amount and the frequency of
Application of EM should be various