Ormus Minerals Fulvic Acid Minerals for

Application Ormus Minerals
Fulvic Acid Minerals for Hydroponics
INGREDIENTS: Fulvic Acid Minerals - 32,000
ppm natural assortment of 60+ Colloidal Minerals

4 ounces

8 ounces

16 ounces

32 ounces

64 ounces

128 ounces

Hydroponics: For optimal results, mix ½ a teaspoon to 2
teaspoons of product per every 1 quart of water.
Other Uses
Directions for Use:
Farm application: Apply to soil by
either banding in the
Row, disking in or applying to soil at a rate of 1 to 4 gallons
of Humic Acid to the acre depending on soil conditions.
As a drip tape or foliar also apply at a rate of 1 to 2 gallons
of Humic Acid to the acre depending on plant conditions
and plant stress.
Turf & Ornamentals: Initial
application rate: 8 to 12 oz.
Per 1,000 Sq ft.
Apply monthly at a rate of 4 to 8 oz per 1,000
Sq. Ft. Can be safely mixed with most fertilizers.
Trees: Drenching and deep root
feeding: Dilute
with water 40:1. Use 5 gallons of dilute per 1”
DBH. Use at initial planting and then include as
part of regular fertilization program.
Greenhouse: Use 1% mix ratio (1
quart to 25 gallons of water)
water over plants.
Hydroponics: For optimal results,
mix ½ a teaspoon to 2 teaspoons of product per every 1 quart of water.
Houseplants: Mix 2 tablespoons per
gallon of water. Water as normal
around base of plants.
For professional and home/garden use
Directions for Use:
Farm application: Apply to soil by either banding in the
Row, disking in or applying to soil
at a rate of 1 to 4 gallons
of Humic Acid to the acre depending
on soil conditions.
As a drip tape or foliar also apply
at a rate of 1 to 2 gallons
of Humic Acid to the acre depending
on plant conditions
and plant stress.
Turf & Ornamentals: Initial application rate: 8 to 12 oz.
Per 1,000 Sq ft.
Apply monthly at a rate of 4 to 8
oz per 1,000
Sq. Ft. Can be safely mixed with
most fertilizers.
Trees: Drenching and deep root feeding: Dilute
with water 40:1. Use 5 gallons of
dilute per 1”
DBH. Use at initial planting and
then include as
part of regular fertilization
Greenhouse: Use 1% mix ratio (1 quart to 25 gallons of water)
water over plants.
Hydroponics: For optimal results, mix ½ a teaspoon to 2
teaspoons of product per every 1 quart of water.
Houseplants: Mix 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Water as
around base of plants.
For professional and home/garden
Why plants love Fulvic Acid
For growth of a good healthy plant, one needs to provide them with proper nutrition. Different
minerals and acids present in soil where the plant is grown continue to provide plants with
nutrition. However, with time the nutrients of soils continue to decrease with constant consumption
done by the plant. Thus to replenish soil minerals and acid levels one needs to provide soil with
time to time acids like Fulvic Acid Hydroponics and other fertilizers etc. All of these products
are easily available in the market.
The Fulvic Acid Hydroponics is a type of acid product, which is manufactured from humic acid
compounds. The major reason why fulvic acid is so helpful in plant growth is that the acid helps
minerals present in the soil to dissolve. Thus, it leads to healthy growth of plants. For many
years, fulvic acid has been used by people all over the world for growing plants with healthy roots
and overall body. Another major use of Fulvic Acid Hydroponics is that it increases the metabolism
rate in the soil thus it helps soil with increased respiration, which is also good for the plant.
Moreover, increased metabolism releases proteins and with the help of acid, one can expect
increased enzyme activity.
The properties of fulvic acid help plant to absorb chemicals and nutrients from the soil at a good
pace and as per requirement. Moreover, it provides plants with greater capacity to store more water
as well as more nutrients required by the plant. The acid in comparison with any other acid is
highly powerful. One molecule of fulvic acid consists of more than 60 minerals, which is a great
benefit for healthy growth of plants. Moreover, the acid also increases the nutritive value of
nutrients entering plant for quality growth.
One of the most effective ways to use fulvic acid is to provide with this acid other fertilizers
and minerals in the soil too. The nutrients and mineral obtained from the fertilizers will be
stored and absorbed by soil and the plant. Thus, over time as minerals and nutrients of fertilizer
in the soil get dry and mixed up using fulvic acid can help retrieve the entire stored minerals.
Due to the fulvic acid, one can enjoy prolonged benefits of mixed fertilizer in the soil.
The fulvic acid is low in molecular weight, which helps plants in added penetration. No matter what
plant fulvic acid can enter plant cells and walls of cells easily. Moreover, the acid is also
helpful in maintaining balance for deficiencies and efficiencies of the plant. The acid is good for
usage in different plantation schemes. One can make use of fulvic acid for in home plantation.
Moreover, one can also effectively use fulvic acid in the green house plantation. As per many
agricultural scientists, there are many benefits of using fulvic acid. Moreover, it has resulted in
increased production of crops in many places around the world. However, for effective usage of
fulvic acid one must follow proper instructions as per particular soil type. Depending on the
particular soil type, amount of mineral and nutrients present in it, weather and many other such
factors is responsible for effective usage of Fulvic Acid Hydroponics. There are hardly any
disadvantages of using fulvic acid or any other harmful effect.