Directions for Use:
Farm application: Apply to soil by either banding in the
Row, disking in or applying to soil
at a rate of 1 to 4 gallons
of Humic Acid to the acre depending
on soil conditions.
As a drip tape or foliar also apply
at a rate of 1 to 2 gallons
of Humic Acid to the acre depending
on plant conditions
and plant stress.
Turf & Ornamentals: Initial application rate: 8 to 12 oz.
Per 1,000 Sq ft.
Apply monthly at a rate of 4 to 8
oz per 1,000
Sq. Ft. Can be safely mixed with
most fertilizers.
Trees: Drenching and deep root feeding: Dilute
with water 40:1. Use 5 gallons of
dilute per 1”
DBH. Use at initial planting and
then include as
part of regular fertilization
Greenhouse: Use 1% mix ratio (1 quart to 25 gallons of water)
water over plants.
Hydroponics: For optimal results, mix ½ a teaspoon to 2
teaspoons of product per every 1 quart of water.
Houseplants: Mix 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Water as
around base of plants.
For professional and home/garden